Farmington hills city ordinances. 63384 IM ,slliH notgnimraF. Farmington hills city ordinances

<b>63384 IM ,slliH notgnimraF</b>Farmington hills city ordinances  17-51 through 17-77

Farmington Hills, MI 48336. View the Clearzoning Ordinances. CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN. Code adopted. § 3. § 7. It shall be unlawful for any person to damage or deface, or attempt or conspire to damage or deface any fire department emergency vehicle at any time, or to injure or attempt to. Click here to. § 2. Section 1. Home. Commercial vehicles. Blight, residential and commercial. 34-5. Ordinances after February 20, 1989. 17-51 through 17-77. § 4. The Zoning and Code Enforcement Division is responsible for the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance and of those parts of the City. Click here to access the City Charter/Code of Ordinances. Penalty. § 1. Effective. ) Zoning Ordinance. § 6. . 7. § 5. (Note: Be sure to click on the folder icon in the left-hand column of the MuniCode website to access the code information. Browse Through Book View Recent Updates Code of Ordinances. Repealer. § 8. Minutes6/21/2023 | Posted in: Latest News The City Treasurer reminds residents that summer property taxes will be mailed on June 30, 2023,. 248-871-2520. Recreational equipment. Name. code of ordinances city of farmington hills, michigan; supplement history table; charter; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration; chapter 3 . Charter / Code of Ordinances. 14. 34-4. Savings. Section 2. - Name. - Code adopted. Additions/amendments. Sec. Sec. Severability. Section 4. - Penalty. Section 3. City of Farmington Hills Empowering People and Businesses. code of ordinances city of farmington hills, michigan; supplement history table; charter; chapter 1 - general provisions; chapter 2 - administration; chapter 3 - advertising;. § 9. -. CPR, AED and Stop the Bleed. Sec.